Chapter 2-The Berlin Meteor Hoax:

” I wish that I did not have to write these kinds of things “JC Angelcraft

MMXII November 16 , 2021: Hello and welcome to Angelcraft Comic Book Scripts.  Mass media political news and general information are in a state of emergency.  When that emergency is over we will be sure publish here and on all our channels first, then on television, cable radio and all wireless services

The Berlin Meteor Hoax:

by JC Angelcraft

Chapter 2

The following morning the guard checked on the detainees, gave them breakfast and turned on the news.

“Hey, ” said the guard “A meteor just struck Berlin. It is all over the news.”

The men took their breakfast and began to eat and watch television

“Tough luck, hu buddy,” said the detainee.

“Yes, ” confirmed Supremacy man “tough luck.”

The city of Berlin and surrounding areas were quiet and peaceful. No meteor had struck.  Their region was perfectly controlled by a mass media computer, a new wall and strategy that no one could penetrate.  The citizens of Germany, Berlin and Central Europe enjoyed a calm peaceful day and no meteor conspiracy media was playing on its channels. They thought their government had stopped conspiring after World War II.  The United Kingdom was a different story.  England,  Wales and Ireland were inundated with the East Berlin meteor hoax.  They watched the Berlin disaster and called people in Berlin and all over the world who they knew.  However, Mindthink, a top secret English Socialist computer, intercepted the calls.

Mindthink could intercept millions of e-mails, text messages, and telephone calls and communicate as millions of different people all at the same time.  The supercomputer had a history of each conversation of each telephone, cell phone and internet e-mail from around the world and which spanned twenty years.  Known also as the beast, Mindthink could imitate the personalities of billions of people in any language and communicate intelligently using the latest information of every person in the world.  If people switched phones, it could trace them by matching their voice inside its data bank.  However in an attack it did not matter as the Mindthink took over everything so as not to be out guessed or outsmarted.

The first call goes out from London and is intercepted by the computer.

“Yes” confirmed Mindthink using the voice of a Hindu woman. “The Berlin meteor collisions are playing in India too. Are you wearing the scarf that I sent you?”

“Yes,” answered the Man “How is Siri doing in school'”

“She passed her exams. How much longer till you come home?” asked the supercomputer pretending to be the woman.”

“At least six months,” answered the Man.

When the operation started Mindthink cut off communications with everyone in the man’s family. Then the man’s contacts outside the United Kingdom were cut off and the beast took over all of their personalities. Over the next 6 months, the beast would create its own histories and relationships with each person in that Hindu man’s family, with his friends, acquaintances and business associates.  The beast computer  would continue controlling everyone’s heads long enough to achieve its goals inside the United Kingdom.  The Hindu man was not expect[ed] to survive anyway.

When Erasmus heard the news, he warned the terrorists again. “Every conspiracy must stop!”  But God continued to Judge and computer was not programed to stop, but to take over each employee’s personality if they did not report in.  Mindhead was also the leader of the underground and despite being judged by God, the freedom fighters refused to give up.  They fought for the freedoms and rites to traffic in children and sacrifice children and slaughter children, women and men.

God met the initial start of meteor conspiracy with great judgment.  In the silence of a sunrise  more than 1000 level one international paramilitaries which were scattered around the world went missing together with politicians, administrators and leaders in business.  These were wholly dedicated to the meteor hoax and establishing an English Socialist civil war and military dictatorship inside each nation.  Afterwards peace settled on the earth.

But the judgment of God did not stop Mindthink which filled the positions of the missing people, and even pretended to be some them and continued operations. The international white supremacy alliance who were atheist did not believe 1000 groups had been judged by God.  They did not believe in those who tried to save them, warn them, and teach them about the judgment of God.


MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei. 

Mass Media Emergency Services 

The Daily page in English or Spanish can be translated into any language.

Other Meteor Stuff (Separate stories)


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Angelcraft Comic Book Scripts MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum.